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Debts Investing 600x314It probably doesn’t happen as much as you’d like, but you may occasionally have some extra disposable income. For example, perhaps you have recently received, or will soon receive, a year-end bonus. Or maybe you will get a sizable tax refund in just a few months. Wherever this money comes from, you will want to put it to good use. Should you use the cash to pay down debts or should you invest it instead?

Read more: What’s Smarter – Paying...

Westside2018Xmas 600x314No matter what your shopping style or how long your list is, I hope you are able to slow down and enjoy the true meaning of the holiday season. Christmas is a time to spend with your families and loved ones and reflect on the things that really matter. We at Westside Bank are thankful for the community we live in and look forward to continuing to be a part of making Paulding County the best it can be. Merry Christmas!

Read more: Holiday Preparations:...

TaxDiversification 600x314There’s no formula for achieving an ideal tax diversification. You’ll want to consider your own needs and circumstances in choosing the right mix of taxable, tax-deferred and tax-free accounts. Ultimately, taxes should not drive all your investment decisions – but they should not be ignored, either.

Read more: Take Advantage of Tax...

Abundance 600x314Thanksgiving is almost here. Ideally, this holiday should be about more than turkey, football, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. After all, the idea behind Thanksgiving is to share what we have with our loved ones. But if you want your family to take part in your abundance, you will want to look beyond one day in November.

Read more: Share Your Financial...

Leaving 401 600x314You’ve got a powerful retirement savings vehicle in your 401(k) plan, which offers various investment options and the chance to accumulate tax-deferred earnings. But if you leave your job before you retire, what should you do with your 401(k)? You have several choices — and it’s important that you understand them because your decision can greatly affect the resources you’ll ultimately have available during your retirement years.

Read more: Leaving Your Job? What...

LGE 600x314Although Paulding County has experienced great growth over the past years, we still have that small hometown culture. For me, that hometown feeling is important and something I want to see continue for my children. Being a part of this culture gives me an advantage in servicing our members because I can relate to their history and everyday lives to determine what their needs are and ways I can help make their lives better.

Read more: Paulding County People...

Consolidating 600x314None of us can completely control all the things that happen to us. Yet, when it comes to achieving your long-term financial goals, including a comfortable retirement, you do have a great deal of power – as long as you follow a clear, well-defined financial strategy. And one way to help build and maintain such a strategy is by consolidating your financial accounts.

Read more: Consolidating Accounts...

DigitalEstate 600x314If you haven’t stopped to think about it, you might be surprised at the number of assets that could become part of your digital estate. You may have financial accounts (banking, brokerage and bill-paying); virtual property accounts (air miles, “points” for hotel bookings); business accounts. Given all these areas, how can you protect and preserve your digital estate?

Read more: Edward Jones Financial...

security 600x314To raise awareness about the importance of saving for retirement, Congress has dedicated Oct. 21-27 as National Retirement Security Week. And the evidence shows that increasing this awareness is indeed important. Consider this: Some 50 percent of households are considered at risk of not having enough money to maintain their living standards in retirement.

Read more: Take Steps to Boost...

Sustainable 600x314Your values are important to you – and so are your investments. But you don’t have to keep these two parts of your life separate if you pursue sustainable investing. There are many ways to implement a sustainable investing approach that addresses your specific concerns, with varying levels of diversification and control. Some investors select individual stocks of companies they are comfortable supporting.

Read more: How Can You Become a...

anytime 600x314Anytime Heating, Cooling & Plumbing is ready to handle your HVAC or Plumbing emergency whenever it happens. Anytime Heating, Cooling & Plumbing services your home or business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our certified technicians can handle any size repair or installation.

Read more: Anytime HVAC: Atlanta's...

TB ADS readmore 600x314We specialize in identifying and ridding your property of termites, rodents, mosquitoes and other household pests. We also perform termite inspections and treatments for home inspections. We Offer Free Estimates and we are Licensed & certified. Call 770-505-6114

Read more: T & B Pest Services Inc.