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Thanks to attendees at Paulding Prayer Rally ‘Round the Flagpole

Wednesday, February 15 th the Paulding Ministerial Association sponsored a prayer rally at the Paulding County Government Complex flagpole. Rev. Johnny McBurrows Chairman of the association extends thanks to everyone for their attendance, with special thanks to District Attorney Dick Donovan and Post Commissioners Todd Pownall and Tony Crowe. Students from Victory Christian Academy and Pastor Larry Weaver sang for the group and Pastor Robert Elliott led everyone in singing “God Bless America.” Local pastors were present to lead in special prayer for all elected officials, both locally and nationally. Before everyone recited the Lord’s Prayer as the benediction, District Attorney Donovan called all pastors together to offer a prayer for them as follows: “Heavenly Father, since the time of the Apostles you have inspired the Church to commission certain of its members to assist in a special way in the pastoral mission of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Bless the pastors, deacons, teachers and all other ordained and non-ordained ministers and saints in their lives so that they may be humble and faith-inspired in their service. We know that Satan tests them and tempts them every day because the downfall of one of your faithful pastors is an important triumph for the Evil One. Break the Devil’s power and keep our pastors, ministers and deacons safe from harm. In the love of Christ our Savior, in whose holy name we pray. Amen.”pray 1 800pray 2 800