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“Peeping Tom” Arrested at Hiram High School

peep477(Paulding County, GA) On Thursday March 16, 2017 the administration of Hiram High School was alerted about a student who was possibly looking into a girl’s restroom through “peep holes” in the ceiling tiles. Another student observed and took a photograph of the 15 year old male suspect climbing down from the ceiling area back into the boy’s bathroom. As soon as the witness made the Hiram High School administration aware of the incident, they contacted the Sheriff’s Office.
Once School Resource Officers along with Detectives with our Juvenile Investigations Division and our Crimes Against Children Division were alerted, they immediately launched an investigation. Based on the photographic evidence and interviews with other student witnesses, authorities were quickly able to determine who the suspect was.
Once he was identified, the suspect was transported to the Crimes Against Children Division where Detectives spoke with him about the incident. It was later determined that at least four girl’s bathrooms had been affected with multiple holes in each bathroom. At this point, Detectives do not have any evidence to indicate that photographs or video was taken of any female students through any of the “peep holes.” Detectives also believe that the suspect climbed through the ceiling tiles in the boy’s bathrooms, over a wall, which allowed him to access the girl’s bathroom ceiling.
The male juvenile was charged with two counts of Peeping Tom (M) and was detained in a Regional Youth Detention Center until his next court appearance. The Paulding County School District has repaired all of the damaged ceiling tiles in each of the affected bathrooms.
If you or your child have any information about this incident or have been victimized, please call the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office Crime Against Children Division at (770) 445-6105.