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AMOAA Awards Scholarship to Hiram Student

Congratulation to Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Morgan Gaynor from Hiram HS JROTC who won the Atlanta Area Military Officer Association of America’s(AMOAA) $1000 Scholarship for leadership and academic excellence. She was one of two cadets selected from over 100 different schools here in the Atlanta metro area to receive the scholarship. Ms. Gaynor will be attending the University of North Georgia this fall as an honors student in the Corps of Cadets. she will be majoring in business and economics and will commission into the United States Army as a second lieutenant, hopefully into the Adjutant General corps. Great job Ms. Gaynor and a sincere thank you to AMOAA for all they do to support our cadets and our JROTC programs here in Paulding county.amoaa 800