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Career Crew 2019

Abney Elementary 3rd through 5th graders attended Career Crew which is a monthly after-school club. East Paulding High School (EPHS) students visited Abney to share knowledge of their high school career pathways and related careers. Abney students also learned employability skills and participated in many fun group activities. EPHS students worked on leadership and communication skills by planning the club sessions and conducting their plan. Abney students are always thrilled when high school students are involved. Pathways shared this year include Air Force JROTC, Web Design, Healthcare, Culinary Arts, Marketing, Cosmetology, Architecture Drawing & Design, Work-Based Learning and Teaching as a Profession. Elementary students learned skills to interview, effective communication, team building, digital citizenship, critical thinking among many others while broadening their knowledge of career opportunities. Career awareness and employability skill exposure are two highlights from Career Crew. Allowing students to learn skills that many young adults do not have in the workforce will give them an advantage now and when they are older. Mr. Brock, Abney Elementary Principal, shared “Career Crew has been an absolute success here at Abney. Mrs. Rydza and her students do a great job of sharing ideas and stories about what the future may hold for our aspiring students. The partnership and link that they provide are vital to the future success of our young Eagles.” Thank you to K.E.G. Plumbing who sponsored our t-shirts this year! If you would like to sponsor a future Career Crew, please email Monica Rydza at CC Tower Challenge